Phillips Machine & Welding

Phillips Machine & Welding is a full service organization
committed to provide high quality, timely products and services
to our customers, major and minor contractors in the
aircraft and aerospace industries.

website features: 

What's new...

With investments made by PMW's Aerospace Division, it is now easier than ever to supply scheduling and status information to our customers near and far. Using digital cameras, video and webservers, PMW can supply up to the minute photos of parts anywhere in the production cycle: planning, materials procurement, fabrication, assembly, inspection, or even shipping. This IMMEDIATE capability is an example of Phillips' committment to its customers, especially those out of state. Why drive across town when Phillips can send electronic images directly to your PC? Click on this sample, but keep in mind that this is 25% resolution:

If disseminating this information to a wide group (even internal customers) is a goal, Phillips can post comprehensive status pages on the Internet.